Ecosystems for Eco-innovation Strategies’ Deployment

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Project leader: Coralie Gagné, Université Laval

Other researchers: VEILLEUX, Sophie, Université Laval; ARMELLINI, Fabiano, Polytechnique de Montréal; MAINE, Elicia, Simon Fraser University; BEAUDRY, Catherine, Polytechnique de Montréal

Partners: FLOREA, Mihai, Thales Digital Solutions; DESSERTENNE, Philippe, Aéro Montréal; CHANDER, Sovita, Prompt; SAUVÉ, Dominique, IODS.

4POINT0 theme: Theme 3 – Evolution of innovation ecosystems

Start and end dates: June 1st, 2022, to March 31st, 2024

Project type: Long project, applied research

Brief Description of Research Project and Research Question: The research project will be held through four axes. The main research question is: “How do companies mobilize the resources of the ecosystem to implement an eco-innovation strategy?”. This question will be studied in existing enterprises who are trying to become more environmentally sustainable, and in new enterprises which are born with green intentions. Contextual considerations will also be taken (Bitencourt, Santini, Zanandrea, Froehlich, & Ladeira, 2020). The eco-innovation process will be studied upstream as in how it takes form within different types of companies. The process will also be studied downstream as in how it evolves within different companies. The roles of the founder and leaders will be considered, along with some contextual characteristics. 

Objectives: To respond to this research question, the objectives of the present research are to:

  • Strategic axis 1: Analyse the eco-innovation process from the point of view of start-ups which create eco-innovations
  • Strategic axis 2: Analyse the eco-innovation process from the point of view of existing companies which adopt eco-innovations
  • Strategic axis 3: How foresight leads to eco-innovation practices and influence business strategies
  • Strategic axis 4: Determine the decision process leading to eco-innovation activities

Contextual factors will be considered, such as the role of the gender of the entrepreneur. Recommendations about the management of ecosystems to drive eco-innovation will be generated.

This content has been updated on 2024-01-30 at 19 h 00 min.