Accelerating the Growth of the Canadian Aerospace Industry
by Nicolas Sacchetti
Charlotte Laramée, Vice President of Operations at Aéro Montréal - Québec's aerospace cluster - presents key findings on the challenges to accelerate the growth of the Canadian aerospace sector.
In the aerospace industry, the potential for realization is well present at the national level, but a shortfall has been identified in the ability to commercialize new technologies. Charlotte Laramée establishes the link between the commercialization issue and the ability to present products to users in an operational environment.
Two Solitudes, One Country
The vice-president of operations at Aéro Montréal points out the lack of collaboration between initiatives in Eastern and Western Canada. For Laramée, this collaboration will position the country as an industry leader and better promote Canadian technologies internationally.
Key Findings
According to Aéro Montréal's research results, government programs are poorly adapted to the needs of industry when it comes to presenting technologies to potential clients, and none are dedicated to RPAS.
The results also point out the lack of a pre-commercialization phase in Québec with respect to project funding on TRL 7 to 9 (Technology Readiness Level), particularly for autonomous systems. We are talking about technological maturity where the prototype is first tested in an operational environment (7), up to the technological application in its final form (9).
Users are looking for turnkey solutions to improve the potential of use. Charlotte Laramée explains : "We need to ensure that customers have the support they need to properly integrate our new technologies."
Tools to Promote the Industry
Québec aerospace cluster Aéro Montréal is committed to developing the Canadian roadmap and promoting international collaboration. In this sense, Charlotte Laramée is a member of the Canadian Drones Advisory Committee (CanaDAC). The objective of CanaDAC is to "encourage innovation and growth of the RPAS industry in Canada."
Laramée reiterates that it is essential to engage the various levels of government as well as the Tier 1 & 2 OEMs.
Furthermore, supporting the commercialization of LRT 7-9 technologies requires massive public and private investments. Laramée added that users must be involved and financially supported by the government to reduce the risks associated with their investments.
"We always work hand in hand with the Centre of Excellence (CED) for every initiative we take regarding the aerospace industry."
- Charlotte Laramée, VP of Operations, Aéro Montréal
One of the objectives of the CED is to « support regulatory development in Canada. » Laramée finds Alma’s Unmanned Aerial System Centre of Excellence is the best partner for collaboration on RPAS regulation.
Programs Offered
With the intention of mobilizing the aerospace industry and supporting SMEs in their growth, Aéro Montréal offers a variety of programs and initiatives "developed in response to current and future business issues and challenges." Laramée presents the following four programs:
Program to promote the integration and commercialization of disruptive technologies in the aerospace supply chain through the development of collaborative industrial demonstrator
(TRL 7-9).
Used to monitor opportunities, map the industry players, share business opportunities and research for partnerships.
Québec Aerospace Innovative Zone
Initiative to accelerate the commercialization of local innovation designed to improve the environment and society.
To bring together and create synergies within the RPAS community in Québec to represent and defend the interests of players in the sector while contributing to its development.
Charlotte Laramée participated on May 13 2021 in the webinar on the future of RPAS - Remotely Piloted Aircraft System - during the First Congress P4IE on Policies, Practices and Processes related to the Performance of the Innovation Ecosystem. Event presented by the Partnership for the Organisation of Innovation and New Technologies (4POINT0).
Charlotte Laramée: Accelerating the Growth of the Canadian Aerospace Industry
Frank Matus: Safe integration of drones into the airspace
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This content has been updated on 2022-09-27 at 23 h 37 min.