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Table ronde : La transformation numérique dans les secteurs de la finance, de l’agriculture, de la construction, de l’aérospatial et de la mobilité intégrée

This content is not available in the selected language. Dans le cadre des événements en lien avec Le Québec économique 9 : Perspectives et défis de la transformation numérique, le CIRANO organise une table ronde sur la thématique de la transformation numérique à l’œuvre dans divers secteurs. Les auteurs du livre s’entretiendront des enjeux dans les secteurs […] Read more

News Events

4POINT0 2021 International Conference

We are organizing the first ‘‘Policies, Processes and Practices for Performance of Innovation Ecosystems” (P4IE) international conference on 10-13 May 2021. Organized around eight highly relevant tracks, the conference offers participants the opportunity to discuss the impact of various technologies, practices, processes and policies, on innovation ecosystems, and the best means by which to design collaborative environments. The goal of the conference is to explore ways to strengthen Canada’s innovation through innovation ecosystems. Read more


Webinar Technical 4POINT0 | Novel innovation indicators: Exploring approaches, uses and challenges

This content is not available in the selected language. November 19, 2020, 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM (Eastern Standard Time)  With: Mikaël Héroux-Vaillancourt Polytechnique Montreal, Canada Making sense of indicators built from the web Juan Mateo-Garcia Nesta, UK Novel indicators for innovation policy: lessons from the interface between data science and policy application Barbara Gibbon Director […] Read more


Webinaire 4POINT0 d’ancrage: La Mobilité en déplacement

This content is not available in the selected language. Nous sommes en pleine pandémie et il semble que nous devions penser non pas à “un avant et un après” mais un “avec” le Coronavirus. Les tours à bureaux et les universités voient leur fréquentation diminuer et le télétravail, plus flexible, entraîne une reconfiguration des espaces […] Read more


Aug. 4-5, 2020 R&D Management Symposium (Virtual Event) – Invention to Innovation: Creating the Conditions for Impact

This content is not available in the selected language. Universities are increasingly central to both breakthrough invention and translating these inventions into societal and economic impact.  Yet academic entrepreneurship literature and innovation policy have not been keeping pace with the evolution of the university innovation landscape.  We are inviting thought leaders, emerging researchers and policymakers […] Read more